Wednesday, November 7, 2012

More territory/problems

My territory is:
Places where the normal indicators of space and time have been altered with. The body as a ship in uncharted locals. Normal space can become unfamiliar, and the body expands or contracts to attempt to reorient. Fear and surprise necessitate exploration.

The problem is:
How do you move in this kind of space? What does it mean to move in this kind of space?

Some exploration:

Dizzy: not knowing which way to turn.  The ground loses its solid meaning as Below and rises up to meet feet differently. The sides of things become the only way to find what becomes your way. Orientations are difficult. Textures take on new meaning.

Duration: It doesn't take long to lose track of time. Intensity and speed lose their meanings. Time is separate from movement. It becomes impossible to understand how long things are taking. A step can feel kind of epic. Your breath can take forever. You slow. Or at least you think you do.

Face as hands: boundaries change, slowing down, uncertain of which direction to turn. Vulnerable. Possibility of pain in parts you normally protect easily. Movement slower. Texture and flow become important in a different way. Tiny topographies. Space and distance is really different.  

Stick: world shrinks/expands, its on top of you, you move through things, not past them. Density is crucial. Sound becomes key.  The way objects/ground/walls sensate back at you. Sound/vibration/texture.

Bag: internal/external boundaries becomes solid, just moved out. Where are the edges of your body? Your arms feel closer to your core. Your head is everything. The rest of your body quiets. Understanding your movement is reduced to the ways that the fabric around your face moves as you turn your head.

Under: Safe. Mysterious. Unfamiliar smell/feel on face. Deadened/flat air above you. Solid above you. Sound no longer orients, only gives you texture. Everything is close. Your body is separated from itself. Core is different. You belong to some other core.

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